Once upon a time there was a rabbit that went out every day to go for a walk. One sunny day, he saw a big big black rabbit but he did not know it was his shadow. He screamed ahhh she said it is a big black rabbit’. So when she ran, the black rabbit got bigger and bigger until she noticed it was not doing anything to her... so she stopped. Then the black rabbit stopped too. The little rabbit moved to the side and the black rabbit followed her. She started to giggle. “Haha,” she laughed. After that, she went back home but did not see the black rabbit. So the next morning she went running until she saw it again. The black rabbit followed her but the strange thing was when she went to her house it did not follow her so every day she went there. Until it started to rain she went in the rain and did not see the big black rabbit she said are you there’ it did not reply ….